by David CookWe have been warned that ″bad company corrupts good character″ (1 Corinthians 15:33). So what are the kinds of ″bad company″ that we should avoid? And what are the types of good company should we keep instead? We saw some examples of bad company in Proverbs 18. Proverbs 19 gives more examples of people we should avoid, along with those whose company we should keep instead.
Whose company should we avoid?
Whose company should we keep?
The key conviction which drives these traits is the fear of the Lord (v. 23). It is the core of all wisdom and the greatest of all virtues. Every characteristic to be embraced flows from this one fear.
Reverence for God leads to life and brings about deep contentment, enabling us to remain unruffled by the changing circumstances of life-so that ″one rests content, untouched by trouble″ (v. 23). Many years after Proverbs was written, Jesus would come along and personally offer this same assurance of contentment that comes from following Him: ″Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid″ (John 14:27).
Who would be the ″bad company″ to avoid in your life? Who would be the ″good company″ to keep?
How would the qualities of both bad and good company apply to you? Are you good or bad company to others?